Mizzie's Blog & Baby Tips

Nobody likes being tired! Think about how we feel after one bad night sleep; grumpy, irritable, a bit foggy, might have a headache, full of yawns reaching for another cup of coffee. When babies lose sleep, it is so hard for them to catch back up nor do they have the luxury of stimulants to see them through till their next nap.

Mizzie wanted to help you and bub through by putting together some information to help everyone in the house get a good night’s rest.


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There has always been a major debate on breast vs bottle-feeding and which is better - with some people swearing by one side and completely disdaining the other. But, which is better for you? So, let Mizzie help you break down the benefits of breast and bottle-feeding your bub!

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Did you know, that in just the first 12 months your baby is going to triple their birth weight? Yep, their precious little bodies are going to grow at lightning speed thanks to a few well timed growth spurts. During these next 12 months your baby will go through 6 major growth spurts which are going to test our patience a little, particularly if you don’t know why your usually calm baby has turned into a hungry little grizzly bear.

During these growth spurts your baby will likely be hungrier, grumpier and sleep a lot less, making sure that anyone within earshot knows he’s not too happy with life right now.

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