Mizzie's Blog & Baby Tips

As your baby begins to grow into their toddler stage, they will show significant progress in their physical, cognitive, emotional, sensory and language development. During this time, your little ones will have more curiosity than ever as they learn to...
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At Mizzie, we know that the current pandemic is a new and different experience for most little ones. During this time of fast and sudden changed, it's common for children to feel overwhelmed, confused or upset. Developing an open communication...
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Mizzie The Kangaroo, ‘Mizzie’, is a friendly Kangaroo from Sunny Queensland, Australia. She was born in this world to help develop children, in a fun way! 

Whilst growing up in touristy Queensland, she met so many children from all over the world. She learnt to make them laugh, and realised that they all learnt better, whilst they were having fun.
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