Mizzie's Blog & Baby Tips

Creative exploration is an ongoing process from the minute your little one is born. First through observation, and now they are beginning to put what they are learning into practice. Now at a stage of purposefully picking up toys, banging them, dropping them and chewing on them and really spending time examining the items in front of them, determining the relationship they have with the item and its purpose.

This is a really great time to sit back and watch your baby interact with their world, every day they are busying themselves learning and exploring their environment as their senses work hard transmitting information to their brain allowing them to creatively interact with the things around them.

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After baby has arrived, sometimes as new parents we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and anxious as our world changes so dramatically. Postpartum Depression is a factor that effects most new parents to some extent and at Mizzie, we think it's so important to take care of parents of newborn as much as you take care of bub. Check out these PPD signs to help you!

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Reading with babies and children at any age is always going to be beneficial to their cognitive development. Reading aloud to your little one can assist them in developing language and speech skills as every sound they hear you make goes into the memory bank allowing bubs to create patterns of recognition and understanding even at this young age.


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Who doesn’t love to dance? Regardless of our choice of music, we all love to tap our foot, sway our hips and feel the rhythm of the music… and your baby is no exception. Babies love to feel the beat of the music and love the sensation of swaying in your arms as you both enjoy having a great time dancing together.

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After Bub comes home, it's totally normal and okay to feel lonely and a little stuck!

But, we can help to make it a bit easier! Here are our Mizzie tips to help you feel more focused and fulfilled through your day, when you feel stuck!

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